Easy To Make Natural Fruit Sugar Scrubs

You can make your own fruit sugar scrubs with ingredients in your kitchen cabinet.The natural fruit sugar scrubs are refreshing and they help to smooth and tone the skin.You can make them quickly at home without paying the high prices of sugar scrubs in the stores.Fruit sugar scrubs exfoliate and cleanse the skin, leaving your skin soft and supple.These super fruit sugar scrubs are like the expensive spa sugar scrubs with fresher more natural ingredients and lower prices.You also have the convenience of making them when you need them.

Homemade fruit sugar scrubs can be created with any fruit.

Fruits like apricots, bananas, peaches and strawberries can be put in fruit sugar scrubs.Peel and mash the fruit.Add a cup of sugar to a cup of fruit and stir the mixture.You may use white sugar, raw sugar or brown sugar.You may also add lemon juice, orange oil or vanilla to the fruit sugar scrub.Stir the fruit sugar scrub until it is a consistency you would like for a sugar scrub.That may be like a slush or a thick paste.

The tropical fruits papaya and pineapple make great natural exfoliators.You can use the fruits themselves to scrub away dead skin on your arms, elbows, legs, knees or feet.To make your tropical fruit exfoliate you need a ripe fruit.Peel the fruit and cut away most of the fruit and set it aside.You’ll make the fruit exfoliate with the center of the fruit.You can also cut a piece of the fruit to a size you would like to use for a scrub.Roll the core of the fruit in sugar.Then you can scrub your arms and legs gently with the fruit.You can roll the fruit in sugar again if it dissolves.

Cantaloupes, peaches and pumpkins can also be coated in sugar and used to exfoliate dead skin.To make this fresh fruit sugar scrub first wash the fruit.Cut off a piece of the fruit that is a size you would like to use to scrub your skin.Then dip that in a plate of sugar until it is coated with sugar.You may use that to scrub your skin.You can dip the fruit in sugar again if the sugar dissolves.You can use raw sugar, white sugar or brown sugar.

You can store the fruit sugar scrubs in a container with a lid.The fruit sugar scrubs should be thoroughly rinsed off because they may be sticky.Apply the fruit sugar scrubs to a washcloth and rub your skin in a circular motion.

Article Written by Debra Mundell

Author of books on Amazon.com

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