Why You Should Get Veggie Pizzas Not Meat Pizzas

Wouldn't you like to be healthy? Look like you did when you were younger, with a youthful physique? Shed unwanted pounds and inches and feel more healthy again? You can start losing weight now by merely choosing vegetables or meat substitutes instead of meat.Imagine yourself looking the way you want to look, as the ideal you.This vision could become reality by simply replacing meat with vegetables or meat substitutes.

Your local pizza parlors have high calorie meat pizza and alternatives.Pizza is a popular American food that is eaten for lunch, dinner and snacks.One slice of pizzeria pizza contains approximately 300 calories.If you're on a 2,000 calorie diet, you can't have a few slices of your favorite pizza while you're on the diet.

Each slice may have 500 calories in it.Three slices of one topping pizza might have 900 calories.You don't need the pizza or the calories.You would do better with vegetable pizzas without meat.Having pizza without cheese would also reduce the calorie intake.

Many pizzerias also offer specialty pizzas like Spinach Alfredo, California and "Veggie Lover" or vegetarian pizzas.You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that these pizzas are a much healthier alternative to the fat laden meat pizzas.They have less calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.The vegetable ingredients have more fiber and nutrients.

Many grocery stores also carry soy meat substitutes and soy cheese.You can make your own healthy meat free vegetable pizzas with fresh ingredients, soy pepperoni and soy mozzarella.Vegetable pizzas are even healthier when they are home made.Some grocery stores also have frozen vegetarian pizzas.

If you'll check out pizza on online calorie counter sites you'll learn that you could easily lose pounds of fat by replacing saturated fat loaded meat pizza with healthy vegetable pizza.Don't stress your body by overloading it with the unhealthy fat in meat pizza.Relax, and be fat free and healthy.Switch to vegetarian pizzas and avoid any health problems you may have from eating meat pizzas.

One slice of pepperoni pizzeria pizza has 298 calories, 12 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated fat, 29 mg of cholesterol, 13 g of protein, 683 mg of sodium and 2 g of fiber.The calorie content of two slices of a popular pizzeria's pepperoni pan pizza is 520 calories.There are 600 calories in two slices of a popular pizzeria's sausage pizza.An 8" frozen pepperoni pizza has 1,500 calories.Some popular vegetarian frozen pizzas only have 900 calories in the whole pizza.

Another benefit of becoming vegetarian is also a dieter's dream.When people lose weight by becoming vegetarian the weight stays off and they retain their healthy youthful shape.Becoming vegetarian also lowers their cholesterol and reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, arthritis and heart disease.Interested? You can order a free vegetarian starter kit for yourself or for a friend at GoVeg.com.

Article Written by Debra Mundell

Author of books on Amazon.com

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